Just because we’re camping doesn’t mean we need to sacrifice on good, flavorful food. These recipes are simple, healthy, tasty, and provide the fuel needed for the many activities from swimming to hiking and everything we love about getting outdoors in nature. Diablo Shrimp No-Cook Tacos and Diablo Southwest Chicken Salad Wraps are my go to no-cook easy recipes to feed the active hungry camping family.

Camping is supposed to be about unplugging from our crazy fast pace life, enjoying family, and getting in touch with nature. The best advice I have received is to prep and plan. Plan your meals before you go and prep the foods prior to leaving your home kitchen. For example, cooked chicken breast, pre-cooked shrimp, and boiled eggs can all be kept in a cooler on your adventure and served for meals without the fuss of preparing a campfire, or in the absence of a Coleman Stove. In the end, if all else fails, don’t be afraid of packing bread, PB&J as a back-up, and remember what vacation is supposed to be……..
Traci B. Johannson
CEO and Mom, 3SonsFoods, LLC