In 2018, Ayden, Luke, George, and I headed to Austin with the Suburban so full of Diablo Verde that my Mom-obile caved under the weight. To say that a Mom with 3 young boys is not the “typical” profile for a Vendor at the most important salsa competition is... an understatement. While some of the neighboring booths were full of booth babes straight out of a party scene from the movie Animal House, our booth had a 9-year- old passing out samples, and an 11 -year -old making change. Though we were a bit of an unusual look for the typical salsa company, standing out from the competitors turned out to be a huge positive. We ended up dominating the green sauce category with 1st and 3rd place Judge’s Choice awards and 2nd and 3rd place People's Choice awards. We were beyond excited! These awards gave 3SonsFoods the credibility we needed in the hot sauce industry and personally gave me the confidence to continue building up our small family business and fulfill our mission to bring awareness to rhino conservation through selling all-natural food!
1st Place Winner - Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival 2018
Every year, the Austin Chronicle hosts the Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival, which has become the world’s largest and most prominent hot-sauce festival. More than 15,000 people flock to Fiesta Gardens, in Austin, Texas to try as many different types of sauce as they can during this one-day event. Over 350 varieties of hot sauce are represented!! The festival is free to the public, but organizers ask that attendees bring nonperishable food to benefit the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas. The Vendors also are asked to donate sauce, food, and part of our admission fee is donated to feed families. The food bank is the primary charity for the event which, in the past, has been able to serve more than 40,000 meals just from the donations at the festival alone!