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We received the award for "Best Business Presentation" at the 2017 Action Children's  Business Fair 

Acton Children’s Business Fair is an opportunity for Kids to develop their very own brand, create a product or service, build a marketing strategy, and then open their business up to customers at Acton’s one-day marketplace-- which also doubles as a business competition for these young entrepreneurs. After watching an interview of Me and the Bee’s founder Mikaila, on ABC’s Good Morning America where she spoke about starting her lemonade business at Acton Children’s Business Fair, the boys and I were totally inspired. A quick google search later and the Mom-obile was loaded up with Diablo Verde and headed to Austin! 

The boys were responsible for everything. They checked into the festival, set their booth up, ran the booth, sampled the sauce, told their story to customers, and got the sales! It was the best day as a Mom; I got to sit back and let them do all the heavy lifting. My boys ended up winning “Best Business Presentation!” with their Proud Momma looking on from the sidelines. I’m thankful to all the great volunteers that have provided such a great launching pad for kid entrepreneurs!

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